Monday, September 5, 2011

Less depressing news... Finally!

DISCLAIMER: I have felt very unfocused and off my game today. This may or may not make sense. 

Why do I always leave all my homework until the last minute? And of course, the irony is that it is Labor Day. SIGH.

Anyway, so a lot of things have happened since I last posted. School started, which is exciting! This is supposed to be my final year, so I'm finally getting to take all sorts of fun classes and no fluff classes, like Natural Disasters (wtf?) or some shit like that. This semester, I am taking (list format helps me remember):
  • LGBT Literature
  • Adolescence in Literature
  • Creative Drama (a theater class, not a study of drama or worse, WRITING dramatic works)
  • English Grammar for Prospective Teachers
  • Teaching Composition in Secondary School
  • Fieldwork in Community Settings 
It is sixteen units in total, with all of them being three except the last one, which is only one unit. I am the most excited about my LGBT lit class; we're reading all sorts of awesome authors like Shakespeare and Whitman and Oscar Wilde (The Picture of Dorian Gray, wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and whatnot. My first semester at SDSU, I took a writing class and we had to analyze a piece of literature from three different perspectives -- two little papers and then one fifteen-page main paper, and for my big paper I did a Lesbian, Gay, Queer perspective analysis of The Picture of Dorian Gray so I feel all knowledgeable about that piece, and it'll be really interesting to further discuss it. My Adolescence in Lit class seems fun too, and we aren't reading Catcher in the Rye so I am a happy girl, because I HATE THAT BOOK SO MUCH. I am petrified about my Creative Drama class -- we have to do like improv games and stuff, and I have crippling stage fright (I think I've discussed this before), and we also have to make a lesson plan at the end of the semester which is also scary to me. I'M NOT READY! The grammar class is eh; I love linguistics and it is interesting, but it is definitely on the bottom of my class list this semester, only because I am taking so many super awesome other classes! I've had the teacher before, though, so I know what to expect for the most part. The last two classes are linked; for the second, I mostly have to do 30 hours of volunteer work (well, only 12.5 for the class, but it's 30 for the credential program so I might as well get all 30 knocked out) and some online discussion/reflection things, but for the FIRST one, it is going to be intense. It's all about rhetoric, and I have never taken a rhetoric class before, so that is a new thing. I mean, the first day I was like MIND. BLOWN. because I have never thought about things like that before. Also we have to write things like our philosophy of teaching which is scary to me, because I don't really sit down and analyze what I think about things like teaching, so it will be a whole new experience for me. I am kind of scared, but I think after this semester is over, the Teaching Comp. class will be my favorite out of all of them.

Aside from school stuff, Boy has been upgraded to Boyfriend and I don't even know how. He took me out for my birthday on Friday and he called himself my boyfriend, so I guess that is how it is. I know I sound all unenthusiastic about it, but I am not unenthusiastic, I had just been confused about what our relationship was and now it has been clarified and that is it. He is still very sweet to me and he tolerates my craziness, like running down the stairs and jumping into his pool naked at 9:30pm, and then needing several towels because it is so effing cold. 

Speaking of my birthday, I AM 21 FINALLY! That means I have unrestricted access to almost ALL THE THINGS! My birthday was on Wednesday and I had work and school (wooo, party!) but then I went to a local sports bar with my mom and Boyfriend and my mom's friend and we had drinks, and then my mom went off with her friend and Boyfriend and I went to a local Irish pub and had MOAR drinks and I was all impressive with my extensive* knowledge about tequila (*more extensive than his, anyway). And we stayed out WAY too late because I had school the next day, too. And I think I did something on Thursday but I don't remember because I am super tired right now. But then on Friday, he took me out and brought me flowers and stuff, and then we went and had wine and pizza by the beach, and then went to a Mexican restaurant and I had a giant margarita and a tequila sunrise and a shot of tequila and needless to say I got drunk even though I didn't mean to. So I had my first drunk experience ever. Wheeee. And then there was more celebrating but no drinking on Saturday and then last night we had more margaritas and some Mike's Hard lemonade and I watched Ghostbusters because I am behind the times. 

Wow I am talking a lot. I wish I could make this more interesting or coherent but I am not functioning well today. It is a very blah day. Also it is raining ON LABOR DAY, which is practically a sin, but we barbecued anyway. Speaking of, it's time for dinner...