Thursday, June 30, 2011

Okay, so after that long hiatus...

Basically ALL THE BAD THINGS have happened, and a few good things happened, and some AWESOME things are coming up.

Bad things first:

  • My computer has been broken and in the shop since late May I believe. Maybe very very early June. But it's basically been a month.
  • A teacher from my high school, the mother of a friend of mine, died from a long battle with highly-aggressive cancer right before my high school's graduation.
  • A friend of mine died a couple days later, which totally sucked and the funeral service was just confusing and sad. I still don't know how he died.
  • I pretty much have zero dollars. I have 600-odd dollars in my savings account, but my car payments are 215 bucks and I have two more before I get my job back, three more before I actually start getting paid a substantial amount (not the one or two-weeks pay I get in early September). I'm going to either have to borrow some money or close my certificate of deposit, neither of which I want to do.
  • I've been having MAJOR FRIEND DRAMA from a few people. Most conflicts are resolved, but a lot of friend dynamics have changed.
  • My mom is like bitch-central lately. We had a fight one day (pretty commonplace these days) and I asked her in a calm, polite voice because that's totally how I talk when I'm angry at my mom why she was so unhappy all the time, and she answered in an even calmer and more polite voice that she hated her life and her job. So all that hate mixed with what's appearing to FINALLY be menopause and we have one big angry hormonal disaster. 
Okay, the good things that have happened:
  • A good friend came out and visited recently, which was totally awesome. I got to go ALL THE PLACES I never go because my mom and I are always busy on the weekend and I'm not likely to go to the zoo or museum or wherever by myself if my friends are busy. It was a blast hanging out with him.
  • Along with that friend-changing dynamic, I've gotten closer with a sweet little Canadian possum and I just love her to pieces. 
  • My best friend turned 21 yesterday! Which is really exciting because now I have someone to buy liquor for me birthdays are exciting. Unfortunately I didn't get to hang out with him yesterday but this is the happy part, dammit.
  • That's, uh... pretty much it, actually.
  • Tonight I am going to a friend's house and drinking wine and sitting in his hot tub and it is going to be so relaxing and I can not think about all my problems or anything bad as long as I remember to shave my legs. I'm not too happy about my bikini body but he has a girlfriend so it's not like I'm trying to impress anyone here.
  • My best friend's birthday party is this Saturday, where, again, I get to be in my bikini, but unless his hot cousin is there, I'm not trying to impress anyone there either. In fact, there's a few people coming I'd like to UN-impress.
  • I am the most excited about a friend coming to visit in late July to early August. We are going to watch the Padres beat the Dodgers' bankrupt ass. And do other things. But mostly the beating part.
It's kind of sad that the sucky things outnumber the happy things, but part of that may be because I am starving and can't think anymore. So... I'mma go eat, since I finished my box of chocolates and my blueberries.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. The sucky things list should be shorter, and the happy things list longer. I'm glad I could help with the one; wish there was more I could do to diminish the other though.

    Also, this is kind of unrelated to this post, but I find myself here because as part of my horizon-extending today I snagged a bunch of music from Becca's iTunes library and am beginning to digest it. To that aim, your write-up of The Wall has been great! Having the analysis there makes listening to it a lot better.
