Friday, July 1, 2011

Damn You, Leon Redbone

I am so lazy lately. Like, I'm sleepy at 9 or 10 pm, exhausted by 11, delirious by midnight. Then when I wake up, I am tired until around noon. Which, I mean, it's summer, so it's not that bad... except I still have shit to get done. For example, today, I need to clean up outside because my puppy, for some reason, has developed a very recent grudge against potted plants and has ripped two pots completely to shreds. I also have to chop up a bunch of leafy produce for my bunnies' and guinea pig's salads, figure out something to make for dinner next week, go grocery shopping, marinate some shrimp, cook dinner, separate my clothes into darks and lights for laundry, do the laundry, etc. And it is fucking FRIDAY. So I should be all energetic and whatnot and go party tonight except I am 20 so I can't do anything, and I haven't even taken a shower and it's one in the fucking afternoon. And I am sitting here in my PJs eating Cheez-its. I slept until 10:30 and from that time until now, the only productive thing I have done is probably gone to the bathroom once.

In other words, this song describes my life recently:

Even his voice makes me want to lay down and be lazy. Which is really very counterproductive.


  1. I was gonna post a comment, but listened to that song and now I can't seem to muster the effort. Oh well.
