Wednesday, July 6, 2011


What the fuck, San Diego?

Judging by my phone's weather app, it's currently 86 degrees (at 11 in the morning) and 51% humidity. FIFTY-ONE PERCENT. WHAT IS THIS.

"This" is abnormally high humidity, in case you couldn't tell. It is miserable. Last night it even started raining. RAINING. In the summer. IN THE DESERT. This is just not right. I mean, it was cool because we got that half-sun half-rain thing that almost never happens in winter so there was a rainbow, and rainbows are pretty and awesome, and it was one of those really well-formed and clear ones, but the point stands that walking outside in that rain to see the rainbow was totally almost not worth it because it felt like I walked outside into a sticky, asphalt-smelling swamp. I think summer rain smells terrible normally, like a humid nasty mess, but they recently paved my street so that strong, asphalt-y smell came up too and it was just awful. Plus, like I said, I felt like I was walking into a wall of warm water.

But, see, warm water doesn't bother me. I cannot take cold showers. I last about two minutes in them before I am like GET ME OUT NOW and then I never get clean and that's just not fun. I can handle lukewarm showers but I am pretty miserable the whole time. I have to have at least a warm shower, preferably a hot shower. Yes, even if it's 113 outside. Yes, I have taken a hot shower in these conditions. Twice. Something about humidity though, it's not anything like just plain old warm water. It's like sweat. It's exactly like some fat old hairy man sweated up in the sky and now it's all up in my atmosphere. And I do NOT find that okay.


  1. I TOTALLY AGREE about the humidity. It is like walking into a gym after a senior's bikram yoga session. GROSS. DO NOT WANT.

  2. I feel your pain. Supposed to be 98 and 70% when we drive through South Carolina tomorrow.
