Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Yeah, yeah, creative title, I know. Titles have always been the bane of my existence. I always hated when my teachers would force me to write titles on my essays, especially on in-class essays, where I'm frantically writing my essay in the limited time we were alloted, and I would always leave the title for last, riiight before I turned it in, where I would then write in huge, practically illegible script some terrible title that barely pertained to my essay. I figured when I got into college, I wouldn't be forced to write titles on my papers, but no, I have been forced to write more titles on my papers than I can count.

Well, that's certainly an interesting introduction, ain't it? Let's start over.

Hmm, about me, eh? I am an English major, a second-semester junior in college at this present time, I go to a liberal arts public university in SoCal that is expensive, but at least it's cheaper than a private school, right? I have lots of pets that I love very much, and I am an animal-lover in general, except for spiders. Spiders can go die (except not really, because they're essential to the environment and all that. But all the spiders in my HOUSE can go die). I was raised by a single mother in squalor. We live in a house now, but it's not exactly nice or in the best neighborhood, but at least there's no occasional gunshots in the distance. I love literature a whole lot, and I hope to spend the rest of my life teaching high schoolers to love reading as much as I do. I'm an English tutor at a local community college, and it doesn't pay nearly well enough (something that won't change when I'm a teacher, unfortunately). I like food, and I'm usually eating or wanting to eat. I have been known to burst out into spontaneous solo dance parties, even if there's not music playing, but there's usually music playing so I don't look completely insane. I also sing. Loudly and badly. But I do it anyway. I like music, romantic candle-lit dinners, long walks on the beach... er, wait, this is turning into dating-profile status. I think it's because I'm hungry (see above). So welcome to my head. It's random and sometimes amusing, and I hope you enjoy your stay.

Time for my second breakfast.


  1. First!

    Oooo. I can be first follower, too!

  2. Jade I came here to apologize, dammit. I was so happy to see you put in for the Shakespeare quiz question! And I thought you nailed it, too, but then when I went to do my word-for-word check, I had to get SO MAD AT MY OWN RULE, that I couldn't give it to you. You were the first to get it 99% right! But off by half a word alas.

    I'm usually real lenient on punctuation but I've been nixing anyone who doesn't have every word match.

    PLEASE don't let that stop you from putting in an answer next week!

  3. Hahaha, it's okay Dogi, I didn't check it on purpose to see how well I remembered it. 99% correct is pretty good from six years ago. I am proud of myself.
