Monday, May 30, 2011

So I Think I Might Accidentally Be Watching a Soap Opera

I dunno, I was sitting here not paying attention to the TV and I heard something abnormal and I looked up to overdramatic acting and convoluted storylines.

Oh, Susan Lucci just came on the TV. This is definitely a soap opera.

Okay, anyway...

So today is Memorial Day and what not, and my mom and I were trying to figure out what to do. I suggested a picnic by the bay, which is HUGE and therefore has lots of parking all along it, but she was like "Meh I don't want to deal with crowds" because she is the most impatient, least personable people person I know. So then she suggested Old Town and I was all for Old Town because I love it there and it smells like Mexican food, and I was all prepared for an afternoon of strolling about and window-shopping and maybe buying cigars because they have this sweet little cigar shop with the most awesome, nicest people ever. But THEN, she was like "Oh, let's go to Santee Lakes," and I was very meh about it because I wanted to walk around in civilization and stuff, not in nature today, but since she is the parent, she makes the calls, so Santee Lakes it is.

Or, well, was. Because even though I literally just finished cooking the pad thai for the picnic, we probably aren't going because now she has a headache.

I had a point in all of this, but I didn't get home until 1 am and didn't get to sleep until after 2 and woke up at 6 and then took a nap from like 7-8 so I didn't get much sleep so I'm not in my prime, so to speak.

Okay she came back down the hall and apparently now we're going to Fort Rosecrans/Cabrillo which I'm cool with so this was like the most pointless thing ever. Sorry.


  1. Two observations, 1, accidentally watching a soap opera is way better than deliberately living one. 2: you know, soap operas would be so much better if they were just like this post! I actually loved this post. All this crazy stuff almost happens, some good, some bad, then a headache calls it off, then suddenly you get to do something else.

    Can you imagine all those soap opera fans tuning in to their torrid daytime dramas only to be assaulted by THESE sorts of gritty storylines? Awesome.

    I'm actually serious. I think that would be awesome.

  2. Don't you be insulting All My Children. I LIKE* All My Children.

    *predict the plot lines and laugh at the acting in

  3. Dogi, what happened later in the day was also dramatic. I think I cursed myself by making fun of soap operas.

    And Kristen, I prefer to make fun of telenovelas and other Spanish shows because they are SO over the top. The American ones bug me but the Spanish ones tickle the hell out of me.
