Friday, March 18, 2011


We have a really really old dog. She's like, 13 or 15 or something ridiculous like that. She is grumpy and hard of hearing. She recently has been packing on the pounds and now is all fat. Her breathing is hindered by her weight, but she eats and drinks constantly. She also has something wrong in her urinary system, because she goes to the bathroom at least every hour if she is not locked away in a crate or sleeping.

All the time for the past several months, my mom goes nuts at her. She yells at her for eating, drinking, snorting while breathing, scavenging for food, not walking fast enough, not responding when you call her name, peeing on the floor, etc. She says she hates the dog, and curses at her. She says she wants to take her collar off and let her loose. She says she wants to throw her out in the middle of the street so she can get run over. She constantly talks about how she can't take it anymore and she hates the dog so much and she can't wait until she dies.

Last night, she threw the dog outside (not actually literally, but if she had it wouldn't have surprised me) and said she never wanted her in the house again. She said she would die out there, because she constantly eats and drinks and there's no food or water outside, and that it would be cold, and that when she was finally dead, that I would have to deal with the body.

Today she calls me in tears because she's made an appointment to put the dog down tomorrow. She tells me to let her inside and let her eat and drink all she wants because she only has a few hours left to live, and she's sobbing the whole time.

I feel like I'm constantly miserable. Either she is screaming about how much she hates and wants to kill the dog, or she is crying about putting her down. She wants to know if I want to go with her to euthanize the dog tomorrow. I don't even know what to do. My head hurts and I feel sick and I am just so miserable here. It is absolutely awful to be around this.


  1. Oh Jade, that's terrible! Like, really, really messed up. The more I read the more I think you could do well to distance yourself some from that lady; her actions are, at least from the reader's perception here less and less like those of a rational person. That and watching you hurt like this tears me up something awful. I wish there was something I could do to help.

  2. Jade. I love you so, so much and I'm sorry everything is so rough for you right now. You deserve only the best and it hurts my heart that you're unhappy. I'm always, always around if you want someone to talk to, or to distract you, or anything!
